As you're reading this, you've probably already noticed that things might not look the way they used to look like. That's right, I'm talking about the website you're currently on. We've been updating the website in the last few days and are proud to announce that the website is hereby open for public as a beta version. Here is where you come in, we need you to test our new website and report everything you find back to us, if they're not working the way they should. How? Well keep on reading for that one.
With the new website, we've introduced our very own bugtracker. The bugtracker currently has one project in it, MTA. To keep things a bit more clear, we're asking everyone to report their bugs onto the bugtracker from now on. We'll have a better overview of what's left, what's done and what is yet to be made. You can not only post bugs and requests for the game, but also for the community, website and the forums. If you've found any bug or simply got a suggestion for something, open up the bugtracker at and let us know.
Control panel
There used to be quite the demand for a control panel for your accounts, all of your information in one place. We've created such a thing for you, the control panel will allow you to see all your progress in the game. To make things easier, we've also revamped the entire signature creator. This used to be a different page on the website itself, from now on you can simply log in to the control panel and head over to the MTA tab. This will show all of your saves on the bottom of the page, by using the image icon on the far right you'll be able to create your own signature. This comes with quite some modifications which you can do yourself, you can choose your own background image, text color, decide whether you want shadow behind the text or not. The old signature creator will be going offline shortly, so make sure you're changing your links in the footers. The control panel can be found under the button login at the far top right of the website, it can also be found here. If you don't have an account on the website yet, just log in with your credentials from MTA. Make sure to log in with your email.
A little bit from you guys, back to us and then right back to the entire community. We've included a new feature on the website called 'gallery'. This feature will allow anyone to post a screenshot to the website, it's up to the management team to decide whether it's worthy to be posted on our website. If we love it a lot, we can feature the image. Which means that your image will be posted on 3 different locations:
- A possibility of your image becoming the image on the homepage, as in the first image;
- On the homepage as featured images;
- In the featured gallery uploads on the gallery page.
We hope that you will love the new website as much as we do, we've been working hard on it and therefore we ask you to provide all the feedback you have. If something is going wrong, please let us know.